RuneScape Fan Fiction Wiki

Item #: SCP-RS-100

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-RS-100 is kept in a high-value item storage locker at Site-██. Access is permitted to Level 4 personnel with approval of the site director.

Description: SCP-RS-100 is a collection of seven (7) darts, each having three (3) flights and a tip made of an unknown metal. They vary slightly in shape and size but are 17 cm long and weigh 35 g on average.

The anomalous properties of SCP-RS-100 activate when an instance hits a living being with a velocity of 16 m/s or greater. Upon contact, an unidentified form of energy similar in appearance to a red lightning bolt will appear above and strike the target, reducing it to bones and ashes. The dart is also destroyed. The effects will manifest even if the subject is wearing body armor. Only the intended target is affected; other nearby subjects are not harmed.

Addendum RS-100-1: Experimentation has shown SCP-038 to be capable of duplicating the darts, although only approximately 17% of cloned darts demonstrate the anomalous effect.

Addendum RS-100-2: The use of SCP-RS-100 in an attempt to terminate SCP-682 is pending O5 approval.

Note from Dr. Huang: I'm pretty sure that damn lizard will find a way to adapt to these things, but anything is worth a try.
